Sunday, July 4, 2010

3rd of July salad

BBQ season began on July 3rd this year with a gracious invite from our friends Mark and Anita. I was asked to bring a salad. I put this together with a mixture of the leftovers I had in my fridge - squash from the vege lasagna and olives and feta from the Greek salad.  It was a HUGE hit. The lemony-parmesan dressing was perfect for eating outdoors. The lemon juice also keeps the cut veges from going brown so you can prepare it early and it will still look appetizing later.

1 zucchini - slice then cut into strips
1 yellow squash - cut like zuccini
10 baby carrots - slice thin in the long direction so they are about the same size as the squash pieces
1/2 avo ( I would have used more but my tree just is not ready) salt and pepper and 2-3 tbsp lemon juice, let it soak in while you chop
1/2 cup nuts - I used sliced almonds and macadamia nuts - saute to brown and bring out oils
12 kalmata olives - sliced in half
4 leaves basil, chopped

1/2 c lemon juice
1/4 c vinegarette
1/2 c parmesan cheese, grated
3 tbsp feta cheese, chopped very fine

1 bag chopped romaine lettuce

Mix all ingredients except the lettuce together and allow to marinate in refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Pour over lettuce right before serving.

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