Sunday, January 31, 2010



I have a new pizza crust recipe that is the best ever. 

1 packet yeast
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp olive oil
1 1/4 C lukewarm water

3 1/2 C flour
2 tbsp gluten flour
1/2 tbsp salt

Mix yeast, sugar, olive oil, and water. Let sit 5 minutes.
Mix flour and salt. make well in center. Pour liquids into dry. Mix well, kneed into dough.

Add floured dough into floured bowl, cover with damp towel. Let sit in warm place for 1 hour.

I split the dough in two and rolled them out onto two cookie sheets. JP added a couple ladels of my homemade red sauce (from Lasagna recipe) on each, 4 oz shredded parmesan cheese, toppings, then 4 oz mozzarella.

I used prosciutto, sliced tomatoes, chopped basil, and thinly sliced white onion on the first pizza. JP used chopped spinach, a LOT of fresh garlic, thinly sliced white onion, and sliced tomatoes on the second.

Bake at 475 for 15 mins.

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